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Brow Lift / Bunny Lines / Gummy Smile

20 min
150 British pounds
5 Hambledines

Service Description

A Chemical Brow Lift is a type of procedure that elevates the height of your eyebrows with injections and reduce frown lines between the eyebrows. The anti-wrinkle injections work by relaxing underlying muscles, allowing the forehead muscles to pull up the now-relaxed muscles between the brows, thereby elevating the brows and opening up the eyes. The Bunny Lines are the diagonal and horizontal wrinkles that appear around the bridge of the nose from scrunching up your nose, smiling or laughing deeply. Over time these lines can appear all the time, anti-wrinkle injections relax the muscles, resulting in a smoother appearance. A Gummy Smile, when more gum above your teeth is visible than you'd like when smiling, can be treated with anti-wrinkle injections to the top lip. These relax the muscle and so the lip doesn't lift as high when smiling, exposing less gum. All the above treatments have immediate results, but typically take two weeks to be at their best. All have minimal downtime, but may suffer from some swelling or slight bruising. All include an optional two week review.

Contact Details

  • AA DERMA CLINIC, 5 Hambledines, Milton Keynes, UK

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